Tomb Rider Coast Road: Hue to Dong Hoi by Motorbike Guide

Tomb Rider Coast Road | Motorbike Guide

Last updated July 2024 | Words and photos by Vietnam Coracle

Tom, Vietnam Coracle

Tom Divers is the founder and creator of Vietnam Coracle. He’s lived, travelled and worked in Vietnam since 2005. Born in London, he travelled from an early age, visiting over 40 countries (he first visited Vietnam in 1999). Now, whenever he has the opportunity to make a trip, he rarely looks beyond Vietnam’s borders and his trusty motorbike, Stavros. Read more about Tom on the About Page, Vietnam Times and ASE Podcast.

The stretch of coastline between the central cities of Huế and Đồng Hới is completely overlooked by most travellers and roadtrippers, leaving nearly 200km of beaches and coast roads practically empty. Characterized by calm blue seas and long arcs of bright sand where fishermen pull up their svelte-looking wood-and-weave canoes, the Tomb Rider route utilizes a combination of newly paved roads, bumpy concrete back-roads and a few kilometres of red-dirt tracks to stay as close to the ocean as possible while navigating a sprawling coastline strewn with traditional, royal-style tombs. The southern half in particular features thousands of elaborately decorated tombs scattered across the sandy landscape between the ocean and the plains. Leading from the old imperial citadel in Huế to the laid-back coastal city of Đồng Hới, gateway to the caves of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, this coastal route is best suited to travellers who like their beaches empty, undeveloped and local.

Tomb Rider Coast Road | Motorbike Guide

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Empty Coastal Backroads between the Central Cities of Huế & Đồng Hới

In this guide, I’ve included an annotated route map, at-a-glance details of the road trip, an overview of important considerations, such as distance, duration, weather, accommodation, etc, and a description of the journey with illustrations throughout. Click from the contents below and, if you find this guide or any other content on my website useful, please donate.


Route Map

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The Route

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Tom, Vietnam Coracle

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Hundreds of kilometres of empty, undeveloped beaches: Tomb Rider Coast Road

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Tomb Rider Coast Road | 195km

Blue Line: Main Route | Red Line: Alternative/Return Route

*Road Safety & Disclaimer: Riding a motorbike in Vietnam – or anywhere in the world – has its dangers. I would hope & expect anyone who chooses to pursue a self-drive road trip based on the information on this website does so with care, respect & due diligence. I encourage careful riding & adherence to road rules, but I am not responsible for the legality or manner in which you ride, nor any negative consequences which may result from your decision to ride a motorbike in Vietnam: you do so at your own risk. Read more >

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Overview & Details:

Below is a brief at-a-glance overview of the Tomb Rider Coast Road, followed by more specific details about important considerations, such as weather, duration, road conditions, accommodation, traffic, and more:


  • Route: one-way or round-trip from Huế to Đồng Hới on coastal back-roads
  • Distance: 195km (one way), 380km (loop)
  • Duration: 1-3 days
  • Scenery: long stretches of empty sand beaches, extensive ‘tomb-scapes’, fishing villages
  • Attractions: beaches, sea swimming, vast open spaces, DMZ & war-related sites, fishing hamlets
  • Road Conditions: good newly paved provincial roads, bumpy concrete back-roads, some dirt sections
  • Best Time: April-September


Selected Resources What’s this?

Start/End & Connecting Routes: On my map I have chosen to start/end the route at the imperial citadel in Huế and the old ruined riverside church in Đồng HớI. However, you can start/end the route wherever you like and obviously it can be ridden in either direction – it makes no difference. The Tomb Rider Coast Road (the blue line on my map) can be ridden one-way or as a loop by taking the Eastern Ho Chi MInh Road (the red line on my map) for the return journey. A much longer loop can be created by taking the spectacular inland route via the Western Ho Chi Road between Phong Nha, Khe Sanh and A Lưới.

Distance & Duration: 1-3 days is all you need to complete the Tomb Rider coastal route, either one-way or return. The coast road (the blue line on my map) is only 195km, making it rideable in one day. However, two days gives you more time to appreciate the scenery and stop to find and explore empty beaches. With 2-3 days you could easily complete a loop, either by retracing the coastal route or taking the alternative (and faster) inland route via the Eastern Ho Chi MInh Road (the red line on my map) which would make a 380km round-trip.

Road Conditions & Traffic: Traffic is very light and road surfaces are mostly good. However, there are some old, bumpy sections and a few kilometres of red-dirt track, particularly at the north of the route. In addition, some small sections were under repair at the time of writing. Generally, none of this should be a problem for most riders and most bikes, unless there has been very heavy rainfall, in which case the dirt-road sections may become impassable.

Weather & Time of Year: The best conditions are during the spring and summer months (April-September) when the weather is hot and dry (most of the time) and the sea is calm and velvety. During the autumn and winter months (October-March), this region can be surprisingly cold, grey and grim, and winds churn the sea into a Hokusai-esque scene of white froth and towering waves.

Gas Stations: Filling up shouldn’t be a problem on this route: there are gas stations at fairly regularly intervals throughout, but don’t let your fuel gauge get too low before looking for a station.

Accommodation & Food: Seafood is a highlight of the Tomb Rider Coast Road: look for beachside eateries near the road with signs saying quán ăn hải sản. There are also plenty of rice and noodle joints (cơm-phở) along the way. The dining and drinking options in Huế and Đồng Hới are increasingly plentiful – check out our Hue Food Guide and Hue Nightlife Guide. When it comes to accommodation, there are simple mini-hotels and local guest houses (nhà nghỉ) in all of the cities, towns and villages marked on my map with a red pin. However, the greatest range of accommodation can be found in Huế and Đồng Hới, which have everything from dirt-cheap hostels to luxury five-star resorts. Alternatively, if you have your own tent, camping is an option on the wide, empty beaches.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
Taking a break on the Tomb Rider Coast Road

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
Rooftop of a mausoleum on the Tomb Rider Coast Road

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
Wooden fishing canoes pulled up on the beaches along the Tomb Rider Coast Road

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The Route:

Huế→Đồng Hới via Coastal Backroads | 195km

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Leave the former imperial capital of Huế in the early morning. Huế is a relatively languid city by Vietnamese standards, but it can still get busy and clogged in the morning rush hour. Leaving early will avoid a chaotic start to this road trip. What’s more, the city looks its best in the fresh morning light: illuminating the trees along the Perfume River and the old stone walls of the royal ramparts and palaces and gateways. Huế is still one of the more aesthetically pleasing of Vietnam’s urban centres.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
The sun on the Perfume River, Huế

Heading due north, the urbanity of Huế quickly morphs into semi-rural, riverside scenes. Little allotments and vegetable gardens grow by bodies of water – canals, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, lagoons: the province of Thừa Thiên Huế is a watery world. In good weather, these scenes are warm and attractive: a benevolent countryside, bountiful and docile. But in the winter months, when typhoons sweep in from the East Sea and lash the low, flat, defenseless coastline, it feels vulnerable, fragile and cold.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
Waterways just outside Huế

Before reaching Thuận An, Road QL49B veers northwest, crossing the Perfume River first and then the Tam Giang Lagoon on new bridges. Indeed, there is an even newer bridge currently under construction that will link Thuận An with the opposite bank of the Perfume River estuary in the very near future (probably 2025). As soon as you reach the countryside, tombs start to appear by the roadside and waterways. From monochromatic sarcophagi nestled in wet rice paddies, to colourfully-painted monoliths emblazoned with dragons and serpents, shooting up from the wetlands like an exotic crop.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
A family tomb on the coast

Across the bridges and on the other side of the peninsula, Road QL49B ploughs straight and true, following the shores of Tam Giang lagoon. Road conditions are excellent, traffic is light and the vast, flat landscape with billowing clouds hanging above it – casting great blue shadows over the fields, dykes and watering holes – is reminiscent of 17th century Dutch landscape painting. Buffalo and cows populate the plains while school children, on their way to class dressed in white and blue uniform, flood the sandy pathways and country lanes. From here all the way to Đồng Hới, you’re unlikely to encounter any other foreign travellers, save for a handful of road-trippers and maybe a tour group visiting the Vịnh Mốc Tunnels.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
Herding cattle on the coastal lanes

After a few kilometres, bear right off QL49B towards the ocean where a paved lane stretches all the way northwest to the mouth of the Thạch Hãn River at the Cửa Việt estuary. Although this road can be a little bumpy at times, it’s easily rideable on any motorbike, and the second half of it has recently been repaved. Threading through shady groves of casuarina and eucalyptus trees, there are little concrete pathways at regular intervals leading off to the beaches. Take any of these and you’ll emerge from the trees onto seemingly endless swathes of white sand and sparkling blue sea with clusters of picturesque fishing canoes pulled up on the sand away from the surf. In general, the entire beach is deserted during the searing midday heat, save for some cattle and local fishermen. Take your time, have a swim, and wallow in the open spaces.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
Fishing canoes on the beaches north of Huế

On the inland side of the road, the tombs are ever-present and ever more elaborate. Dotting the sand dunes behind the trees, or rising in formation on hillocks like terraced rice fields, the dead far outnumber the living in this dry, salty, sun-drenched region. But these are not ancient tombs; they’re recent. Indeed, dozens are still under construction. Vietnamese buy plots of land for their entire family and commission large mausoleums with intricate carvings and decorative motifs depicting symbolic stories. One of the most important considerations when choosing a site for a tomb is (as it was for the emperors who commissioned the famous royal tombs outside Huế) the principles of feng shui (or phong thủy in Vietnamese). Meaning literally ‘wind and water’, this is an ancient Chinese system which takes into account the lay of the land and other natural phenomena to assess the best location for a structure, among many other things.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
One of thousands of elaborate family tombs along the coast

Ride across the bridge over the Thạch Hãn River as it empties into the sea, on the other side of which is the small beach settlement of Cửa Việt. There are some good seafood restaurants (nhà hàng hải sản) along the beachfront here, and a couple of empty-looking resorts and guest houses if you need a place to stay. In good weather, the beach at Cửa Việt is excellent, with yet more picturesque slender fishing canoes and miles of empty sand. There’s also the possibility of taking a boat out to the strangely circular island of Cồn Cỏ, which has only started to attract attention in recent years (inquire at the restaurants).

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
Wood-and-weave fishing canoe on the beach

Continue due north along the coast road for another 10km past more empty, casuarina-lined beaches until the road spans a second river mouth, this time the Bến Hải. A surprisingly painterly estuary with tree-lined banks and flotillas of fishing vessels, there’s a small, slightly scruffy beach resort on the other side, called Cửa Tùng. There’s a military presence here, a reminder that this river was once one of the most heavily fortified areas in the world: between 1954 and 1975 it served as the dividing line between the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (to the north) and the Republic of Vietnam (to the south). There are a handful of guest houses and restaurants here if you need them.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
The Bến Hải River, formerly the dividing line between north & south Vietnam

Just a few kilometres further north up the beach, through a particularly lush and pretty stretch of coastline, is another relic of the long and painful wars of the 20th century. The Vịnh Mốc Tunnels were dug in the late 1960s, allowing local villagers to shelter from intense bombardments from American planes. The tunnels run for 2km at a depth of over 20 metres. They sheltered hundreds of people at any one time, mostly local families, whose children were schooled in the tunnels, and whose mothers gave birth in the tunnels. Vịnh Mốc is clearly signposted from the road. Entrance is 40,000vnd, including an English-language tour of the tunnels.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
Coastal lanes north of Vịnh Mốc

From Vịnh Mốc, the road crawls northwest along the coast for a while but, at Vĩnh Thái beach, there’s a frustratingly short section of coastline that has no road. Therefore, it’s necessary to make a short detour by riding due southwest to join Highway QL1A for a few kilometres before riding back up to the coast and rejoining the beach road at Liên Tiến. From here, a small road runs along the coast past the wide empty sands of Lệ Thủy Beach. Just north of here, it’s necessary to take another short detour, this time in order to get around the enormous stalled construction site for the FLC Resort & Golf Course. Once again, it’s an easy detour down to Highway QL1A and back up to the coast again.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
Wide empty sands of Lệ Thủy Beach

Road conditions are good, passing Hải Ninh Beach, but then there are a few red-dirt sections and a parallel road that was under construction at the time of research (2024). In dry conditions the dirt road is totally fine, but if there has been a lot of rain, there’s a possibility of flooding, in which case you can always just drop down to Highway 1 or Nguyễn Thị Định and follow that to Đồng Hới instead.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
A section of red-dirt road

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
Local fishing canoes on the beach

Several kilometres before reaching Đồng Hới, the road widens into a new, four-lane expressway (called Võ Nguyên Giáp). This is Đồng Hới’s beach road, constructed with the future development of gigantic resorts in mind. So far, only a few big resorts have been constructed, and many more have been abandoned. The coast road ends at a traffic circle next to Đồng Hới’s excellent municipal beach (Bảo Ninh). To get into town, take the bridge across the Nhật Lệ River, turn right (due north) along the riverfront road until you see Nhà Thờ Tam Toà, a ruined church by the river, bombed to pieces during the war. This is the end of the Tomb Rider Coast Road.

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
Beaches near Đồng Hới

Tomb Rider Coast Road, Hue to Dong Hoi, Motorbike Guide, Vietnam
A view of Đồng Hới city

*Disclosure: I never receive payment for anything I write: my content is always free and independent. I’ve written this guide because I want to: I like this route and I want my readers to know about it. For more details, see my Disclosure & Disclaimer statements and my About Page


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  1. Maikel says:
    July 31, 2024 at 9:19 AM


    Just halfway on the route more or less, coming from Dong Hoi (hardly recognized the place since i was there 10 years ago). The part south of Dong Hoi up to Lien Tien was a bit challenging, at least with bikes. They are currently doing some large road construction project. I think perfectly rideable with motorbike but takes away the charm a bit. From what I can see, and also witnesses in Ha Tinh and Nghe An provinces, the ultimate goal is a connecting coastal road. Perhaps soon detours to QL1 will be obsolete.

    Some extra observations:

    – road from Ho Xa to Vinh Moc is really a pleasure to ride
    – north of Dong Hoi are some nice roads as well if in for a small extension. Including a great floating bridge in a quaint looking town
    – in the theme of the tombs: if you make a small detour from Cua Viet to Dong Ha there’s a huge area full of them in all different sizes. Be warned though: the streets are used for drying fish


    1. Tom says:
      August 1, 2024 at 9:45 AM

      Hi Maikel,

      Yes, I mention the dirt road section just south of Dong Hoi and have marked it on my route map. It should be fine for most riders and most bikes in dry conditions, but possibly difficult after rain.

      Yes, you’re right: they are working on connecting all these coastal roads to the north in Ha Tinh and Nghe An Provinces and beyond. Indeed, I recently updated my Beach Bum Coast Road map and will be completely re-writing it over the next few weeks.



  2. Matt says:
    July 28, 2024 at 7:56 AM

    Great, thank you very much, I will take this route from Da Nang next April.

    1. Tom says:
      July 28, 2024 at 7:58 AM

      Thanks, Matt. I hope you enjoy it.



  3. Seamus says:
    August 6, 2018 at 12:11 PM

    Just rode from Dong Hoi to Dong Ha today using this route.

    The red dirt roads south of Dong Hoi are accessible up to The FLC resort. You’ll have to turn back onto Highway 1 here but you can then take the next junction to connect back onto the red dirt roads.

    1. Tom says:
      August 6, 2018 at 12:29 PM

      Hi Seamus,

      Thanks for the update. Good to know most of it is still accessible.


  4. Nicolas Ritoux says:
    July 1, 2018 at 8:39 PM

    Hey Tom,
    What can I say, once again I had a great road trip in large part thanks to your advice. Thanks again so much for your very generous and helful insights.
    Just a quick update about the dirt road leading to Dồng Hới following the coast: Shortly after Bãi tắm Lệ Thuỷ you’ll now get to a booth where two security guards kindly ask you to go back to QL1 as the remaining part of that road is now a private property due to development of Dong Hoi Sun Spa Resort & Villa & Golf etc.
    But nothing to worry about, there are still plenty of fun beachside roads to enjoy along the coast for many years to come.

    1. Tom says:
      July 2, 2018 at 12:37 AM

      Hi Nicolas,

      Great to hear you enjoyed this route.

      Thanks for the update. It’s a shame you can’t get all the way into Dong Hoi on the coast anymore, but I’m glad to hear that it’s just that last section.

      I’m looking forward to getting back there some time in the summer.


  5. Jon & Gail Morris says:
    April 18, 2018 at 10:11 AM

    Hi Tom,
    Many thanks for your guides they proved invaluable for us on our recent trip, we did this ride from Dong Hoi down to Hue on April 6th, unfortunately we couldn’t get past the construction works on the DT569 road just south of Dong Hoi and had to duck back up on to QL1A for a bit before turning off to Vinh Moc, (it looks like they are building a large resort complex), otherwise the mapping was perfect. We found the Nam Long Plus in Dong Hoi was good value and had really great staff (great bike security too). Thanks again Jon & Gail

    1. Tom says:
      April 18, 2018 at 3:26 PM

      Hi Jon & Gail,

      Thanks for the road updates and the hotel suggestion; very helpful. I’m going to be in Dong Hoi in a couple of days so I’ll check it out. Great to hear you had a good road trip.


  6. Anselm says:
    April 4, 2018 at 2:01 AM

    Hey Tom,
    We were driving your route a few days ago. Half way we decided to call it a day in Tan Loi and find a bed in a guest house. Unfortunately Trung Hieu Guest House in Tan Loi doesn’t exist anymore, so next budget options were half an hour away in Dong Ha.

    Hope this helps improving your guide.

    1. Tom says:
      April 4, 2018 at 2:04 AM

      Hi Anselm,

      Thank you for the update – that’s very helpful to me and to other readers.

      I hope you enjoy the rest of your road trip,


  7. Luca says:
    March 29, 2018 at 9:26 PM

    Thank you very much for this amazing guide (well..for all your guides actually!). My girlfriend and I will travel through Vietnam next August for 20 days. If we were to make this as a day trip from Hue and back, do you think that stopping at Cua Viet would give us enough time to get back to Hue within the day?

    1. Tom says:
      March 30, 2018 at 1:41 AM

      Hi Luca,

      Yes, that should be fine. But start at a decent time in the morning so that you give yourself plenty of time.

      I hope you enjoy it,


  8. Sven says:
    March 21, 2018 at 9:45 AM

    Thank you for this great tour outline and the invaluable info, Tom! Planning to enjoy the route one-way from Hue via Dong Hoi to Phong Nha in May.

    Two questions, since I trust your calculations more than those of Google Maps on this one:
    – How much time would you estimate for the coastal ride from Hue to Dong Hoi in total (avoiding Highway 1 as much as possible)? Pure road time, that is, without stops at beaches, tombs etc. and driving at moderate speed
    – Will a simple 125cc bike suffice for this route?

    Cheers from Germany

    1. Tom says:
      March 21, 2018 at 10:23 AM

      Hi Sven,

      You can ride this route between Hue and Dong Hoi in one day fairly comfortably as long as you leave Hue at a decent time in the morning. I’d say 4-5 hours riding time.

      The last section on the red dirt road might slow you down, but if you’re short on time you can just continue on Highway 1 instead.

      I hope this helps,


      1. Sven says:
        March 26, 2018 at 10:22 PM

        Thanks Tom,
        that’ll surely help us!

  9. iviaggidiclach says:
    March 17, 2018 at 12:16 PM

    Thank you Tom again for your amazing website
    I rode today the stretch from Hue to Vin Moc Tunnels.
    The ticket entrance now costs 50.000d for foreigner (+5.000 for bike parking)
    I am spending the night in a new Nha Nghi in Cua Viet, not signed on your map, neither on Google Maps.
    The name is Tien Tien, is next to Nha Hang Cuc Tic restaurant.
    A nice room for 1 person for 200.000 (initial price 250). An they cooked me a plate of rice with some other sides ,included 1(!) shrimps, eggs, tofu, meat for 30.000.
    The girls speaks English.
    The day was grey and a bit cold, but the road conditions are still good everywhere .

    1. Tom says:
      March 17, 2018 at 1:42 PM


      Thank you for the updates. Good to hear there’s a new guest house and that the road conditions are still good. Shame about the grey weather, though.


      1. iviaggidiclach says:
        March 18, 2018 at 1:01 PM

        Yeah, shame on the was even worst: very grey and windy.

        The QL1a highway with the sand dunes on the sides would have been beautiful, if not for the lateral wind and the kurled pavemente that made it quite shaky.
        There was little traffic, but you still had to pay attention to the occasional truck, that as always drive in the middle of the road even if the roas is four lane wide and they are not surpassing anyone,

        At the same time the red dirt section of the coast road is now a big gated construction site and while the guard let you pass without questioning, I suggest to avoid it for now. Also there is a stream crossing in Bao Ninh, so I turned back on the highway.

        Last thing:Buffalo hostel and Pub in Dong Hoi, looks like has been shut down. No words on the entrance door or on internet, but it looks like abandoned.
        I ma staying in Nam Long Hotel, next door to the nice Tree hug cafè.

        1. Tom says:
          March 18, 2018 at 1:38 PM


          Thanks again for the updates. It’s amazing how fast things change in Vietnam – I was only there a few months ago. It’s a shame if Buffalo has shut down, although they might just be closed for the off-season which, as you might have guessed from the weather conditions, is now.


  10. Brian n Julie Blacka says:
    February 23, 2018 at 10:55 PM

    Hi Tom,
    We contacted you on Jan 6th, thanks for quick reply. We have slightly changed our accommodation plans. Can you offer a slight diversion on tour and go directly to Phong Nha rather than Dong Hoi? Is traffic getting out of Hue going to be a problem for my wife to ride on? (She has ridden bikes in her early years, 60 now)
    Cheers and thanks.
    Brian n Julie Blacka.

    1. Tom says:
      February 25, 2018 at 6:35 AM

      Hi Brian & Julie,

      Traffic out of Hue is not so bad, but it still takes about half an hour to get through the general traffic and out onto the open road.

      Phong Nha is only about 40km from Dong Hoi on road QL16, so it’s just about an hours’ extension onto the Tomb Rider route described on this page. But if you want to take the more direct route from Hue to Phong Nha you will need to take Highway 1 (not a nice road) to Dong Ha and then take QL15, DT10 and QL16 to Phong Nha (which is fine).

      I hope this helps,


  11. Brian n Julie Blacka says:
    January 6, 2018 at 9:39 AM

    Hi Tom,
    My wife n I are interested in 1 day tour from Hue to Dong Hoi, (beach route) 20/4/18, I’m ok but wife concerned if any heavy city traffic to contend with?
    Cheers Brian n Julie.

    1. Tom says:
      January 6, 2018 at 12:26 PM

      Hi Brian,

      There’s not much traffic on that route so you should be fine.


  12. Nicolas Ritoux says:
    December 3, 2017 at 3:58 PM

    I want to try out this route around Christmas time but you’re suggesting it’s a bad idea because of bad weather. I’m particularly wary of wet terrain for the reasons you mentioned. But isn’t it supposed to be the dry season? Up to Da Nang at least the weather is dry that time of year.

    1. Tom says:
      December 3, 2017 at 4:20 PM

      Hi Nicolas,

      Well, yes it should be dry up to Danang (although generally it’s best up to Nha Trang) at that time of year. But the Hai Van Pass, which separates Danang and Hue, is usually the climatic barrier between south and north – the weather is often a lot worse in Hue than in Danang. But of course you never really know. The road conditions should be fine – the only bit you need to worry about is the last section to Dong Hoi – but if it’s raining hard when you get there you can just take Highway 1 instead.

      I hope this helps,


      1. Nicolas Ritoux says:
        December 7, 2017 at 7:30 PM

        Thank you so much Tom – very helpful as always!

        I’m planning to go on this route in the next 3-4 weeks. Will give you complete feedback for sure!


        1. Tom says:
          December 8, 2017 at 12:36 AM

          Hi Nicolas,

          Thanks. I hope you enjoy the ride (weather permitting, of course)


  13. Marc Hastenteufel says:
    November 26, 2017 at 10:46 AM

    Hi Tom!

    drove this part in spring this year. I loved it. Will come back spring next year and do it again. taking a few days for it this time. After the mountains it was my best day on the road in Vietnam!

    1. Tom says:
      November 26, 2017 at 11:19 AM

      Hi Marc,

      Great to hear you rode this route and enjoyed it. It’s always great, unless the weather is grey and rainy, as it is now 🙁


  14. Ed Cobb says:
    November 26, 2017 at 4:13 AM

    Thanks for all of this info Tom. Perfect for our planned loop ride next April.
    Cheers, Ed.

    1. Tom says:
      November 26, 2017 at 6:03 AM

      Thanks, Ed. I hope you enjoy this route next spring.
