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Fanxipan Express, sleeper train, Hanoi to Lao Cai, Vietnam

The Fanxipan Express: Hanoi to Lao Cai by Train (Passengers & Motorbikes)

First published May 2018 | Words and photos by Vietnam Coracle

This post was last updated 6 years ago. Please check the comments section for possible updates, or read more on my Updates & Accuracy page.


Rattling through the night from the capital city, along the Red River Valley, and into the northwest mountains looming large over Lao Cai on the Chinese border, the Fanxipan Express is a romantic rail journey that’s relatively cheap, comfortable, and easy to organize. Conveniently linking the urban rush and humid haze of Hanoi with the lofty landscapes and fresh air of Vietnam’s highest mountain range, the sleeper train to the Chinese border is the gateway to Sapa, the hugely popular mountain retreat in the Tonkinese Alps. For motorbikers, too, the Fanxipan Express is a direct line to the fabled riding routes of the north, thanks to an easy freight system for two-wheeled vehicles. Below is my full guide to taking the night train, for passengers and motorbikes, between Hanoi and Lao Cai.

Fanxipan Express, sleeper train, Hanoi to Lao Cai, Vietnam

The night train is a convenient link between the capital and the northwest mountains

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Below I’ve written a full guide to taking the train between Hanoi and Lao Cai, including information about sending your motorbike on the train with you. I’ve written all the information in separate sections, and plotted the rail route and relevant places on my map. *Please note: you can support this website by booking train tickets directly from this page: see below.

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The Fanxipan Express: Hanoi to Lao Cai (for Sapa)

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*Please support Vietnam Coracle: you can search train times, prices, and make bookings directly from this page by using the search boxes & links throughout this guide. If you make a booking, I receive a small commission. All my earnings go straight back into this website. Thank you.

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Train Operators & Contacts:

The Hanoi-Lao Cai route is part of the state-run Vietnam Railways (VNR) network. However, there are several luxury carriages attached to this train, run by private travel companies, such as Livitrans and Oriental Express, among others. Contact any of these three operators through the above links to their respective websites, where you’ll find schedules, prices, and photos. Alternatively, compare prices across all train operators and book directly through

Fanxipan Express, sleeper train, Hanoi to Lao Cai, Vietnam

The Hanoi-Lao Cai route is operated by Vietnam Railways, but private companies also add carriages

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Train Times & Schedules:

For most of the year, there are two sleeper trains in each direction every day. Journey time is between 7-8 hours. Note that only the earlier train in both directions (SP1 & SP2) allows motorbike carriage. All train times are subject to change, but in general the following times are fixed. During peak times of year, such as public holidays, extra services may be laid on. For up-to-date schedules, prices, and bookings check

Selected Resources What’s this?


  • Train SP1: Depart: 9.35pmArrive: 5.30am (daily)
  • Train SP3: Depart: 10.00pmArrive: 6.05am (daily)


  • Train SP2: Depart: 8.55pmArrive: 4.32am (daily) 
  • Train SP4: Depart: 9.40pmArrive: 5.30am (daily)

Fanxipan Express, sleeper train, Hanoi to Lao Cai, Vietnam

There are two night trains in each direction every day; journey time is 7-8 hours

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Ticket Prices & Booking:

Although ticket prices are subject to change, the prices listed below rarely fluctuate by any significant amount. (Tickets for the privately-run luxury carriages, such as Livitrans and Oriental Express, are at least twice the price of those listed below and can be purchased via their websites or Bookings can be made in person at Hanoi or Lao Cai stations, or online at Viet Nam Railways and, or through many hotels and travel agents across Vietnam. However, tickets for motorbikes must be purchased in person at the station. If travelling on a weekend or public holiday, it’s advisable to book tickets at least a day in advance, as trains can be full at these times. During the week, you should be able to get a ticket on the day of departure, although it’s still best to book in advance to avoid disappointment. All the following prices are one-way:

  • Soft seat: 155,000vnd
  • Bunk in 6-berth compartment (hard sleeper): 200,000-300,000vnd (bottom, middle, top bunk) 
  • Bunk in 4-berth compartment (soft sleeper): 400,000vnd (top or bottom bunk)
  • Motorbike: 240,000vnd (110cc) 324,000vnd (125cc)

Fanxipan Express, sleeper train, Hanoi to Lao Cai, Vietnam

There’re three classes on trains (as well as the luxury coaches). This is a 4-berth soft sleeper compartment

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Sending your Motorbike:

Sending your motorbike on the train between Hanoi and Lao Cai is very convenient, because it cuts out the long ride up into the mountains from the Red River Delta. If you want to explore Sapa and the northwest mountains by motorbike but don’t have time for the ride there, sending your motorbike on the train is the perfect solution. Another boon for motorbikers is that the Hanoi-Lao Cai rail link is one of only a handful of routes that allow you and your motorbike to travel on the same train (the other significant route to allow this is the Saigon-Phan Thiet Express). Normally, on the vast majority of routes on the north-south mainline, your motorbike travels on a separate train to you, and usually takes at least a couple of days to arrive at its destination (for full details see this in-depth guide to sending your motorbike on the train). But on the Fanxipan Express, both you and your bike depart and arrive on the same train, at the same time. This allows you to rent or buy your motorbike in Hanoi and go straight into the mountains, where you can get started on several fantastically scenic rides in the area, including the Sapa-Sin Ho Loop, the Y Ty Loop, and the Borders & Back-Roads Loop.

Sending motorbikes on the sleeper train, Hanoi to Lao Cai

Sending motorbikes by train between Hanoi & Lao Cai is easy: bikes travel on the same train as you do

If travelling on a weekend or public holiday, it’s advisable to book your motorbike ticket at least a day in advance, because this is a popular route and there’s limited space available for freight. However, during the week, it should be fine to buy your motorbike ticket on the day of departure, although it’s still a good idea to buy it at least a few hours in advance. Unlike passenger tickets, motorbike tickets are usually only available to purchase in person at the station; not online or through hotels and travel agencies (although it’s still worth asking the latter if they can do it). At Hanoi (Station B; Tran Quy Cap Street) and Lao Cai stations go to the main ticket office and explain that you want to send your motorbike between the two stations. In most cases, staff will direct you to another counter that deals with freight. You’ll need to show your blue/green ownership card for the motorbike, and the staff will drain your bike of gas. You will be given a receipt: don’t lose it, otherwise you will have problems reclaiming your motorbike at the destination station. As all departures are in the evening, it’s best to take your bike to the station around mid-afternoon (I’m told that motorbikes must be at the station no later than 4pm on the day of travel). Station staff should be able to take it from you and wheel in onto the train later, before departure (this is certainly possible at Lao Cai station, but at Hanoi it may not be).

Sending motorbikes on the sleeper train, Hanoi to Lao Cai

Motorbikes are drained of gas before boarding the train: don’t lose your motorbike receipt/ticket 

When arriving at your destination station, walk to the end of the train (the freight car is either at the front or back of the train) and show your receipt to the staff. They’ll wheel your motorbike off the carriage and onto the platform, from where you’ll need to wheel it down the platform and out of the station. (Note that, at Hanoi, motorbikes usually exit at the back entrance, on Tran Quy Cap Street, also known as Station B.) Remember that your bike will be empty of gas. There’s usually someone selling bottles of gas just outside the station. However, this is low-grade petrol at inflated prices, so it’s best to buy only a litre, which will be more than enough to get you to the nearest gas station to fill up. Bear in mind that all trains arrive early in the morning, so you may have to wait a while at the station before anything opens.

Sending motorbikes on the sleeper train, Hanoi to Lao Cai

At your destination station (in the early morning), collect your motorbikes from the freight coach

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Departure & Arrival Stations:

At either station, it’s always a good idea to arrive at least half an hour before departure. Both stations are relatively easy to navigate, and staff are generally helpful and used to dealing with foreign passengers. However, while Lao Cai station is small, quiet and fairly modern, Hanoi station (Station B on Tran Quy Cap Street) is quite busy, sprawling and hard to find. Of the two, Lao Cai is much easier to manage as a foreign traveller. There are ATMs at both stations.

HANOI STATION B [Tran Quy Cap Station]: (Ga Trần Qúy Cáp); Address: 1 Trần Qúy Cáp Street [MAP]: An odd complex of handsome French colonial buildings and rundown warehouses, Hanoi Station B is right in the heart of the capital but hidden down a small street behind the city’s main station (Station A on Le Duan Street). It can be hot and busy, but perfectly manageable with patience and time. The ticket office is inside the station compound, just off Trần Qúy Cáp Street. There are usually taxis available outside the station entrance. There are coffee shops and some noodle houses across Tran Quy Cap Street, opposite the station. Bear in mind that it will be early morning when you arrive at Hanoi Station B, so most places will be closed.

Tran Quy Cap train station (Hanoi station B), Vietnam

Tran Quy Cap train station (Hanoi Station B) is on Tran Quy Cap Street, behind Hanoi main station

LAO CAI STATION: (Ga Lào Cai); Address: Khánh Yên Street [MAP]: A modern facade and tidy interior make Lao Cai station much easier for travellers to negotiate than Hanoi station. For most of the day, Lao Cai station is calm and quiet. The ticket office and waiting area are at the centre of the station building. Off to the right of this, at the entrance to Gate 2, is where you take your motorbikes to be loaded, if you’re sending it with you to Hanoi. There’s a snack bar on the second floor of the station, and several other informal rice eateries opposite (the Terminus Restaurant & Bar serves cocktails and smoothies). All station signage is in English and Vietnamese so it’s easy to find your way around (not that you’ll get lost as it’s just a small station). If, for some reason, you need to stay the night, Kim Cuong is a good mini-hotel just a minute walk from the station. Mini-buses and taxis meet the trains to take passengers on to Sapa (45 minutes).

Lao Cai train station, Vietnam

Lao Cai train station is pretty modern, quiet, organized & easy to find your way around

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The Trains:

The general level of comfort and cleanliness on the Fanxipan Express is pretty good. For the majority of travellers, there’s no need to book onto one of the private luxury coaches attached to the end of the regular trains. It’s only an 8-hour journey, and the price you pay for the added luxury of the private coaches isn’t necessary. However, if you’re travelling as a family, or if you just really like the idea of a luxury train journey, it can be a lot of fun to book onto one of the luxury coaches. (You can compare prices for regular vs luxury coaches here.)

The Fanxipan Express, sleeper train, Hanoi to Lao Cai, Vietnam

The train consists of around a dozen carriages, including the privately-run luxury coaches

For budget travellers, the soft-seats (155,000vnd) are cheap and reasonably comfortable. Seats are reclinable and there’s enough space to lie back and get some sleep. The carriages are severely air-conditioned, so remember to bring a sweater or blanket to keep warm during the night. If you’re unlucky, your sleep might be disturbed by other passengers eating, drinking, talking (and even singing karaoke) through the night. But, I suppose, that’s all part of the fun (if you’re in the mood). Beds in the 6-berth sleeping compartments are fine, but a bit cramped if you’re tall. Try to avoid the top bunk in you’re a remotely claustrophobic, because the distance between your face and the ceiling is only a few inches: it can feel like being trapped in a coffin. Again, sleep is subject to who you’re sharing your compartment with: if you’re with a family of screaming babies, you may struggle to get any shut-eye. The most comfortable option (apart from the luxury carriages) is a bed in the 4-berth soft-sleeper compartments. These are usually clean and comfortable with plenty of space to put your luggage and to lie down. A nice touch from Vietnam Railways is a desk lamp in each compartment, filling the space with soft, ambient light. My advice is to try to book the top bunk, because the lower bunk gets all the noise from the track. The click-ity-clap of the rails is part of the romance of any train journey, but on the lower bunk it can become an annoyance. Toilets are located at both ends of every carriage and are kept reasonably clean throughout the journey. Trolleys come through a couple of times, selling snacks and drinks, but it’s a good idea to bring your own supplies too.

Fanxipan Express, 4-berth soft sleeper, Hanoi to Lao Cai, Vietnam

Comfortable: my parents on the bottom two bunks of a cosy 4-berth soft sleeper compartment

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The Journey:

No matter which train you take, the journey will be through the dead of night, so there’s very little to see. The exception to this is departing from Hanoi in the evening, when the train snakes through the city’s cluttered suburbs, passing within feet of peoples’ homes and businesses, offering a fascinating cross-section of the capital. But the rest of the journey is darkness; punctuated occasionally by the sodium lights of towns, the odd silhouette of a tree against the moonlit sky (if there is a moon), and brief glimpses of reflections on the broad and viscous surface of the Red River, whose path the train echoes for much of the journey. Something to bear in mind is that this is a surprisingly bumpy ride. Although the train rarely reaches a speed above 60 kilometres per hour, there are times when passengers are thrown about in their bunks and seats as the train flies over humps in the tracks. This can be a hindrance to sleep.

*Please support Vietnam Coracle: you can search train times, prices, and make bookings directly from this page by using the search boxes & links throughout this guide. If you make a booking, I receive a small commission. All my earnings go straight back into this website. Thank you.

The Fanxipan Express, Hanoi to Lao Cai sleeper train, Vietnam

The overnight journey is generally comfortable, although surprisingly bumpy at times

Disclosure: I never receive payment for anything I write: my content is always free and independent. I’ve written this guide because I want to: I like this train route and I want my readers to know about it. For more details, see my Disclosure & Disclaimer statements here

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Leave a Comment

Questions, updates and trip reports are all welcome. However, please keep comments polite and on-topic. See commenting etiquette for details.

  1. Jean-Louis Ducret says:
    January 15, 2025 at 9:12 AM

    Please gove me informations
    Lao cai Hanoï one way night
    4 adults
    Feb 3
    With moto
    Cabin 2 pas

    1. Tom says:
      January 15, 2025 at 10:25 AM

      Hi Jean-Louis,

      Sorry, I am not a train booking agent.

      You can search for train times and tickets prices on or ask the staff at Lao Cai station or Hanoi Station.



  2. Brian Haley says:
    January 4, 2025 at 3:53 PM

    Hi Tom – thank you for your excellent website! Thank God I discovered the coracle. I was adrift in the sea of subprime information. Apparently including (in retrospect), what time of the year to travel to northern Vietnam to explore Ha Gaing. Well, too late now – we are going Feb 1 for 5 weeks starting in Hoi An/My Son/Hai Van Pass/Hue for a few weeks, after which I had planned to fly to Hanoi, explore the city, go to Bai Tu Long Bay, maybe ride Cat Ba, then head toward Ha Gaing. According to your weather map (thank you!), that doesn’t look like an ideal plan for late February for temp and rainfall potential. My girl doesn’t like cold and rain all that much, and I don’t want to spoil her taste for further motorbike exploration, so what now? Better to stay south and explore Quy Nhon and Phu Yen areas and save Ha Gaing for a different trip? Is late Feb. an ok time to do Bai Tu Long and Cat Ba? Would the Pu Long loops potentially have better weather than Ha Gaing? Sorry for all the questions, but your suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Tom says:
      January 7, 2025 at 4:46 AM

      Hi Brian,

      Yes, in general February isn’t the best time of year for travelling in the northern mountains, nor some of the central regions, for that matter. But, of course, weather isn’t something you can set your clock by, so you never know. The bottom line is that many, many people do travel the north, such as Ha Giang, during that time of year and they still absolutely love it.

      However, generally speaking, the further south you are at that time of year, the higher the chances are of good, warm, sunny conditions. As you’ll be in central Vietnam anyway, you could consider the Golden Loop. And Dalat is good in February, so you might consider the Dalat Loops.

      If you do go north, then the later you leave it, the better that chances are of good weather.



  3. Borsos Zoltan says:
    April 5, 2024 at 3:07 AM

    HI Guys

    Unfortunatly it’s no more allowed motorbike delivery on the Train from Hanoi to Lào Cai.(2024.04.05)
    But there are Sleeper Busses, and I can go with, the bike(XR150) take in the lower part of bus next to the baggages.
    (I travel with Sao Viet, so for me 400.000VND +for motorcycle 700.000VND. If you travel at night, you save a night accomodation. There are more start time, I’m going at 23pm – 5 or 6 am.)

    1. Tom says:
      April 6, 2024 at 4:32 AM

      Hi Borsos,

      Thanks for the useful information and updates.



  4. Nicolas Luginbuhl says:
    June 28, 2023 at 10:48 AM

    Actually, I just got an email from a bike renting company in Hanoi that they are currently not accepting bike on the train to Lao Cai? Is this true?

    That’d be a huge shame.

    Let me know if you heard something similar.



    1. Tom says:
      June 28, 2023 at 11:35 AM

      Hi Nico,

      Yes, I think one or two previous comments mention that – take a look.

      I can’t guarantee what the situation will be when you arrive in September – things are still readjusting after the pandemic. Ask your rental company when the last time they actually went to the station and checked was – then you’ll know how current the information is.



  5. Nicolas Luginbuhl says:
    June 28, 2023 at 9:57 AM

    Hi Tom! I’m off in Sept for another roadtrip, this time from Sapa all the way down to Ninh Binh. When I try booking the train, only SP3 seems to be available, will I still be able to book the bike as well in SP1/2 ? Or do I need to be in the same train.

    Cheers !


  6. Adam Cohn says:
    November 25, 2022 at 1:28 PM

    An update regarding sending bikes from Hanoi to Lao Cai: we attempted to book train tickets to do this, but the folks at the train station said it wasn’t possible. Apparently this is a recent change. A lovely lady behind the counter was super helpful and connected us with a bus service which would take us and the bikes. We wound up booking a Sao Viet bus. We brought the bikes to their office and they confirmed they’d be able to fit them (Honda XR150s) under the bus. The price is 500k per bike, 400k per person. It’s possible/likely that other bus lines will also do this, but we didn’t need to look any farther than Sao Viet. This is the office we booked from and departed from: The bus staff emptied the fuel tanks before stowing the bikes. When we arrived in Sa Pa, we pushed bikes to the nearest gas station to fill up. Head to the right when exiting their office/station, take the first left then the 2nd left and there’s a gas station. It’s a slight incline and then a slight decline, so easy enough to get to the gas station.

    1. Tom says:
      November 25, 2022 at 2:55 PM

      Hi Adam,

      Thank you for sharing your experience and updates. This is very helpful to me and other travellers.

      I’m glad you and your bike made it to Sapa. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip.



  7. Jess says:
    August 8, 2022 at 3:58 PM

    FYI at the moment (August 2022) the Sapa train is only running Hanoi – Lao Cai on Fridays and Lao Cai – Hanoi on Sundays.

    1. Tom says:
      August 8, 2022 at 4:03 PM

      Thank you for the update, Jess.


  8. Nicolas says:
    March 19, 2021 at 11:36 PM

    Hi Tom!

    Quick question, you say if we have bike we should only take a SP1 train from Hanoi? What happens if we booked the SP3? Could we still put the bike in the SP1 and pick up the bike in Lao Cai? I’m sure they’ll disembark the bikes if they arrive first no?

    Also, have you been to the Coc Ly Tuesday market? Do you recommend it?



    1. Tom says:
      March 21, 2021 at 3:39 AM

      Hi Nicolas,

      I think you can probably do that, but I’m not certain. Try to go the station and ask about it a day before you travel.

      I’ve been to Coc Ly market and enjoyed it.



      1. Nicolas Luginbuhl says:
        June 28, 2023 at 2:47 PM

        Thanks Tom!

        Guess I’ll have to run it a bit freestyle when i get to Hanoi! I’ll try the train first, if not I’ll go with the bus.

        Also, my itinerary so far:

        – Sapa and around (2 nights)
        – Mu Can Chai
        – Son La
        – Moc Chau
        – Mai Chau
        – Puluong
        – Tam Coc

        Guess i’ll be taking my time as those are short distances but the area does look lovely.



        1. Tom says:
          June 29, 2023 at 4:24 AM

          Yes, that sounds like a great trip!


  9. Nicolas L says:
    May 21, 2020 at 9:15 PM

    Hi Tom!

    Coming again to you for my 4th motorbiking trip in Vietnam! It all started with your blog, so let me thank you again for that.

    This time, I’m planning a Northern journey starting in Lao Cai towards Ha Giang, then Cao Bang and LangSon (with some stops in between) before getting back on the train to Hanoi.

    As usual, I have a few questions:

    Train Hanoi to Lao Cai: how to book the more luxurious coaches of SP1? What are their name? is one of them the Victoria Express, or that’s a different train altogether? Possible to do so via Baolau?

    Is doing Lao Cai to the Pan Hou Ecolodge on day 1 too long of a trip? We’d start right after getting out of the train so very early, but still, if that takes 10h, I’d rather stop in Xin Man or Vinh Quang I guess. The point is to get to Ha Giang in 2 days 1 night from LaoCai.

    Can we also put the bikes on the train from LangSon to Hanoi? Same day? Or will we have to wait in Hanoi a few days?

    Would you recommend stopping in Dong An or Meo Vac? Hesiating between the 2.

    Thanks a ton! Hope you’re safe during those weird times!


    1. Tom says:
      May 23, 2020 at 5:58 AM

      Hi Nicolas,

      In my experience, the more luxurious carriages on the train between Hanoi and Lao Cai are just attached to the regular train – they’re not separate trains. And, yes, the Victoria Express in one of them. I think there are several high-end carriages now. I’m not sure if you can book them through Baolau – but if you search the Hanoi-Lao Cao train route on their site then click on the most expensive ticket price you should be able to find out (before paying, of course).

      I think Lao Cai to Panhou is too long for one day: it is possible if you have perfect conditions etc, but it’s not advisable: you probably won’t have slept much on the train, and that route is very slow and mountainous at the best of times, let alone if there’s been some weather. But, more importantly, it’s stunning scenery so you’ll want to take it slow. Or you could take the more direct route by skipping out Muong Khuong etc and riding straight up to Bac Ha then on to Xin Man and Panhou.

      Yes, you can put your bikes on the train between Lang Son and Hanoi – see the guide.

      Personally, I prefer Meo Vac over Dong Van. Dong Van is a lot more touristy than Meo Vac.

      I hope this helps,


  10. Ashley says:
    November 18, 2019 at 2:14 PM


    I was wondering if it’s still possible to get the bike on the train from Sapa to Hanoi without a blue card? I have lost mine and want to get my bike back down to Hanoi as easy as possible.


    1. Tom says:
      November 19, 2019 at 2:22 AM

      Hi Ashley,

      I’m not certain about that. The last time I did it I wasn’t asked for the blue card, but you never know.


  11. Sarah Somerfield says:
    October 19, 2019 at 1:15 PM

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for your really helpful guide, I just wanted to post an addendum to the process at Hanoi. If you want to buy tickets in advance you must buy them from the main station ticket office, not from station b. If you have a motorbike you want to transport then you go to counter 11. It is also not necessary to have your bike at the station before 4pm. In fact, you can’t do anything with your bike until 8.30pm, when you must wheel the bike to the train yourself. Hope this helps future travellers!

    1. Tom says:
      October 20, 2019 at 7:24 AM

      Hi Sarah,

      That’s great. Thanks for the valuable updates.


  12. Bruce Hockings says:
    March 13, 2019 at 6:46 AM

    Hi Tom, We transported our Honda XR 150 on the train from Lao Cai to Hanoi for a cost of 325,000 VND. In Lao Cai you must buy your motorbike ticket at the station window starting at 4 pm the day of departure. No advance ticketing allowed. I brought a half liter of gas with me on the train in a 7 up bottle so that we could roll out of Hanoi station without needing to buy gas upon our arrival. Be sure to move the fuel switch to reserve after gas is drained and you put the new gas in. Hope this helps.

    1. Tom says:
      March 13, 2019 at 6:50 AM

      Hi Bruce,

      Thank you the updates, that’s very helpful information.


  13. Caroline Kaplan says:
    February 16, 2019 at 7:15 AM

    Hi Tom!

    If i’m doing a moto loop in Sapa, does it make sense to rent my bikes in Hanoi and transport them to Sapa?

    Or is renting in Sapa a better idea? Who do you recommend for sapa rental?

    1. Tom says:
      February 16, 2019 at 12:04 PM

      Hi Caroline,

      Well, I would recommend renting in Hanoi and transporting the bike to Sapa (Lao Cai) by train – the bike rental companies I recommend on this page should be able to give you a hand with this.

      You can rent bikes in Sapa, too, but I don’t know of a specific company there that I trust, although I’m sure there is one.

      I hope this helps,


  14. Rick says:
    October 30, 2018 at 7:46 AM

    Greetings from Coos Bay Oregon
    Tom, I have enjoyed perusing your site, great info, well put together, thank you.
    It’s got the juices flowing again for Vietnam, exactly a year ago I was handing off my… rented… trusty XR250 to go back on the train to Hanoi.
    I traveled solo, self-guided and had a fantastic trip albeit not completing the loop I had loosely planned. I was very happy that I chose to train the bike to Loa Cai, I lucked out & enjoyed the comradery of my bunkmates in the sleeper car , One couple had with them a litre of homemade hooch procured from their previous homestay down south of Hanoi… made for a great train ride…but an extra early morning. Loa Cai was a great starting point, shipping the bike equals saving time and dealing with Hanoi traffic….. huge plus… the train becomes a great part of the adventure.
    As mentioned, I ran out of time, mostly because I stopped a lot, for pictures, wonderful coffee, awesome local cuisine & any reason to explore an interesting spot, as well as the dreaded “unknown road” on Google maps. I found that backtracking only lends itself to another great vista only available in your rearview mirror the first time through.
    I promised myself to return and continue the adventure …. I encourage all intrepid travellers to make the journey. (homestays were the best)
    Over & Out

    1. Tom says:
      October 30, 2018 at 3:58 PM

      Hi Rick,

      Thanks. Good to hear you enjoyed your Vietnam road trip, and are thirsty for more. I hope you get a chance to come back again soon – there’s lots more to do and see 🙂


  15. Brett Shirley says:
    July 16, 2018 at 8:20 PM

    Hi Tom-

    Just wrapped a hell of a day attempting to ride from hanoi to Sapa. GPS kept trying to put me on the expressway that motos aren’t allowed on. I kept manually routing back to DT163 and DT151. These roads are extremely broken and rutted. Felt like I was racing in Baja. Would have done the train but had some sour experiences with them coming up from hoi an. Sounds like the train to Sapa is different and would have been the right move. Is there any good road option between Hanoi and Sapa for bikes? Got lucky with some locals who brought me in from the storm last night.

    1. Tom says:
      July 17, 2018 at 5:54 AM

      Hi Brett,

      By motorbike between Hanoi and Sapa/Lao Cai, it’s best to take either QL70 (also marked AH17) north of Red River Valley, or QL32 through the mountains via Nghia Lo and Mu Cang Chai.

      I hope this helps,


  16. Rivers Moore says:
    June 7, 2018 at 9:08 AM

    Hello Tom,

    I really appreciate your guides and just came back from the Limestone loop. I had an excellent experience because of your information so I decided to book a train ticket through the link on this website.

    Unfortunately, the link you have here sold me two tickers for the Gia Lam railway station that doesn’t at this moment take bikes on the train. I spent several hours today at all 3 stations in Hanoi trying to figure out what was going on and finally called the Aolau company who explained it to me and said they would try to send me a new ticket for the B station in downtown Hanoi. I selected the SP1 VNR option as you detailed in the article so I just wanted to let you know that you should update it to make sure people know they can’t send their bikes from the Gia Lam station.

    1. Tom says:
      June 7, 2018 at 1:04 PM

      Hi Rivers,

      I’m very sorry about that. Thank you for letting me know. I have now changed the default Hanoi station in the two Baolau search boxes on this page – it’s now ‘Hanoi Railway Station’ which is the correct one. I have also changed the default station for all on the Baolau text links on this page too. As long as the address of the station shows ‘120 Le Duan’ on Baolau then that is fine.

      I’m happy to hear Baolau managed to change the ticket for you. I hope it all works out for you.

      Again, my apologies.


  17. Gary says:
    May 9, 2018 at 7:11 PM

    Hi Tom,
    I’ve noticed that you listed two separate prices for different sized engines: 240,000vnd (110cc) | 324,000vnd (125cc).
    I will have a Honda XR 150cc. Does VNR operate this service with a size limit? It would be a shame to plan this into my trip only to get turned down at the station. Thanks. If and when I book, I will do it through your website.

    1. Tom says:
      May 10, 2018 at 1:22 AM

      Hi Gary,

      Yes, as far as I know they will carry XRs and larger bikes too – you’ll just need to pay more money. But, just in case, it’s worth checking with the bike rental company you’ll be renting from first – they’ll know if XRs are allowed on the train.

      I hope this helps,


      1. Ian says:
        June 10, 2018 at 8:17 AM

        We took 2x 250cc and 1x 650cc bikes on the train, arriving at the station with the bikes just 30min before departure and still managed to get on. It helped we had my friend’s Vietnamese wife with us to coordinate things though. I can’t remember the cost but anything is doable with VND!

        1. Tom says:
          June 10, 2018 at 8:22 AM

          Hi Ian,

          Glad you managed to send your bikes on this train – and at such short notice 🙂
