First published July 2016 | Words, photos and film by Vietnam Coracle
This post was last updated 8 years ago. Please check the comments section for possible updates, or read more on my Updates & Accuracy page.
For me, Saigon is not District 1: it’s not the Opera House, Notre Dame Cathedral, Ben Thanh Market, the Pham Ngu Lao-Bui Vien backpacker area, the new shopping malls and high-rises of downtown. Saigon, my Saigon, is the local neighbourhood where I live. This is not a fixed location: over the years I’ve lived in many different houses, in many different parts of the city. But, wherever I’ve lived, the local area has always defined my Saigon. The alleyways, the market, the nearest main street and the shops and businesses that line it, the people and pets that inhabit it, and the way it changes during different phases of the day and in different weather conditions; this is my Saigon.

My Saigon: in my local neighbourhood people know each other and lunch is served with a smile
In this video, I’ve tried to capture my local Saigon neighbourhood over 24 hours, on a day during the rainy season. I’ve made little attempt at artifice: there’s no music because I wanted to let the sounds rise and fall with the rhythm of daily life. At 8 minutes long, I realize that this film may not be for everyone. But if, like me, you love your local Saigon neighbourhood, and if, like me, you’re an expat who finds it difficult to describe where you live to friends and family back in your home country, then perhaps you’ll appreciate this little video and perhaps it will help you to communicate where you live and why you love it here.
* This video is best viewed in HD quality
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As a Vietnamese born but have not lived in Vietnam for 15 years now, I love your snippets of lives of Saigon, from the everyday people activities ( I love those outdoor gym where ladies in pajamas doing their workouts between breaks/ their work day) to the texture of the local alleyways and streets, the sounds of people just living their life, making a living, going to work, taking breaks – I miss that a lot. Thanks for capturing such wonderful essence of my hometown, Tom!
Hi Châu,
Thanks for your words. When I made this video I wanted it to record a place in time – one of no ‘importance’, just a regular 24 hours in a local Saigon neighbourhood, because for me that ‘ordinary’ daily life is ‘special’. So I’m glad this video brings back memories for you of your time in Saigon.
Hi Tom, loved your video! We have only been here 3 weeks and have done a few touristy things but mostly we like to just hang around and observe, usually with a ca phe or some local food. We walk around a lot too, so much to see and photograph. Cheers Claire
Hi Claire,
Good to hear you’ve been enjoying your Saigon days so far. Yes, I agree, just hanging out in a local neighbourhood and observing the goings on is one of the best things you can do in Saigon 🙂
Very nice video work Tom, I love the “day in the life: format. (I am an amateur videographer also). Nice use of the HD and audio. you really capture the essence of your neighbourhood – can’t weait to visit in March!
What type of camera are you using?
I just use a little Cannon camera. It’s simple and small but does everything I want it to.
I so love this.. Many a time I’ve tried to describe ‘my Saigon ‘ to folks at home… And it’s just so hard.. Every frame of this video captures the essence of what it is to be here,. From the family mart.. The wind chime before a storm or the recycling man… Thank you so much for filming this.. I will watch it many times I suspect when I go home in three months with very whimsical and fond memories .
Hi Maria,
Very happy to hear that you like the video and that it also captures what you like and will miss about ‘Your Saigon’. I hope you leave this city on good terms and will have lots of good memories of your Saigon days 🙂
Great video! My compliments for the idea and the effective artistic touch on everyday life
Thanks, Giorgio.
I’m glad you enjoyed it. I love the everyday life of local Saigon neighbourhoods like this 🙂
Nice video cool to watch ! At the moment cambodia tommorow i will arive in Saigon , pretty cool website also Love it grtz
Thanks, Martin.
I hope you enjoy Saigon and the rest of Vietnam too!
Such a great work, Tom! You make me miss Saigon so much!!!
Thanks, Thao. I’m glad you enjoyed it, and sorry for making you miss Saigon 🙂